Hello, i'am a web developer who has ui/ux design skills.This is my personal page where I put my works.

React Web Applications

Maintenance managment app

Monitoring and maintenance of the Algerian army vehicle fleet. Built with react.js, node.js, express.js, postgresql

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Evenet managment app

Event management app in an engineering school. Built with react.js, node.js, express.js, postgresql

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Weather App

This weather app was created using react.js,openweather api and opencagedata api

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Spotify music App clone

This spotify clone was created using react.js,context api ,material ui ,and spotify api

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Instagram clone

This instagram clone was created using react.js,context api ,material ui ,and firebase as a backend service (firebase authentification)

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Vanila JS Apss

Quote Generator

A simple quote generator app with vanila javascrpit

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Picture In Picrute app

A simple app that allows you to share one of your screen in a pop window. built using screen capture api ans picture in picture api

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Dark Light Mode

A simple app with the functionality of switching between light and dark mode with vanila js

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Countdown App

A simple Countdown app with vanila js

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Dad Jokes App

An app that told you lame dad jokes. built using jokes api and text to speech api

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Inifity image scroll

infinity scroll functionality like the one we see in socail media apps like facebook using unsplash api

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Mobile Applications

YourDoctor e-health app

Allows patients to seek medical advice online. Built with android studio, kotlin, node.js, express.js, postgresql

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Hassibati voice calculator app

Calculator that provides voice calculation all types of arithmetic operations Built with android studio, java, sqlite

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UI/UX Projects

Ndif mobile app

allows citizens to report illegal landfills, collection faults, black spots and the lack of dumpsters on the national territory.

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Wassit web application

An application is mainly dedicated to job seekers to allow them to search for a job offer

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Maintenance managment app

Monitoring and maintenance of the Algerian army vehicle fleet

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YourDoctor e-health app

Allows patients to seek medical advice online

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